Mission Statement
We, the members of the Alma Police Department, are committed to enhancing the quality of life in our city by providing a professional, well-trained and ethical approach to law enforcement, as we protect and serve our citizens and community.
Office of the Chief
The Chief of Police oversees the administration and maintenance of all divisions of the Alma Police Department, with each division supervisor reporting to the Chief.
These functions include:
- Patrol
- Criminal Investigations
- School Resource
- Sex Offender Registry
- Evidence
- Animal Control
- Training
- Public Relations/Communications
- Facilities and Equipment
- Accreditation and Certification
- Administrative Services
- Background and Recruiting
- Finance
Patrol Division
The Patrol Division is responsible for responding to all calls for service. Patrol Officers respond to criminal complaints, traffic accidents and conduct traffic enforcement. The officers regularly patrol the city to help prevent criminal activity.
Patrol Units
The patrol officers employ rotating shifts with an overlapping schedule, which allows for complete coverage during the transitions between shifts. Other units within Patrol Division also serve the city such as our School Resource Officers.
Criminal Investigations
The Criminal Investigation Division is responsible for investigating all felony and some misdemeanor crimes. Our detectives work closely with the patrol division, other agencies and the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office in the solving, apprehension and prosecution of criminals and criminal activity.
School Resource
This department assigns officers to the Alma School District as School Resource Officers. Each school has an assigned resource officer. Their function is to provide education and build relationships with students and faculty. They also provide a police presence on campus and at school functions. Additionally, they provide law enforcement services at all school facilities.
Animal Control
The City of Alma has two ordinances controlling animals, dogs and fowl. The animal control officer only deals with these animals. All wildlife is regulated by Arkansas Game & Fish Commission. For injured animals a patrol officer will be dispatched. Hours of operation are Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Outside of these hours we only respond to vicious animals.
Public Information
Registered Sex Offenders
Information on registered sex offenders can be found at ACIC.org.
Crawford County District Court Alma Division
Court is held the first four Tuesdays of the month and the fourth Wednesday at 3 p.m. Fines can be paid at the court clerk’s office Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fines CAN NOT be paid after hours and on weekends at the police department. Fines can be paid at pay.arcourts.gov.
Information about tickets can be obtained by calling the court clerk’s office at 479-632-4170 Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Most tickets can be paid prior to the court date listed on the ticket. However, some tickets require the recipient to appear in court. If you are unsure about whether you must appear in court, please contact the court clerk’s office.
Police Reports
Reports can be picked up Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the police department. The fee for an accident report is $10. Accident reports can also be obtained by sending a self addressed stamped envelope, along with payment, to Alma Police Department, 804 Fayetteville Ave, Alma, AR 72921. ATTN: Reports.
Please allow 3 business days for the report to be completed. We do not email or fax reports. You can also access accident reports online.
Drug Drop Box
The Alma Police Department maintains a receptacle for unwanted or unused controlled substances. It is located at the east entrance of the police department. Drop offs are all anonymous and secure. No needles/syringes or medical equipment allowed. Lobby is open 8 am – 5 pm, Monday – Friday
Severe Weather Warnings and Shelters
The city is equipped with storm warning sirens. The sirens are tested every Wednesday at 12 p.m. unless severe weather is in the area.
There are also four public storm shelters in the city located at each public-school campus. These shelters are controlled by the school district. The doors automatically open when the sirens are activated and will not open prior to siren activation. This does not apply when school is in session. The children are sheltered first and if room is available the public is admitted.
Shelter Rules:
- Once warning is lifted in our area, you must leave the shelter.
- Animals must be in an airline approved container. Animals must remain under the possession and control of the owner at all times.
- It is mandatory to follow the directions of the Safe Room manager or school administrator at all times.
- Food and drinks are not permitted in the Safe Room.
- Smoking or tobacco in any form is prohibited in Safe Rooms and on all school property in accordance with Arkansas Law.
- Radios or other music devices may be used only with individual earphones.
How do I get a copy of my driving record?
- Driving records are maintained by the Department of Finance and Administration in the state where you obtained your driver’s license.
How do I pay a citation?
- Citations can be paid in person, by mail or online. We accept cash, check, money orders and credit cards. The address to send payments is Crawford County District Court Alma Division, 804 Fayetteville Avenue, Alma, AR 72921. Checks and money orders should be made out to Crawford County District Court Alma Division. Citations can also be paid online at ARCourtPay.org. We do not take payments over the phone.
If my keys are locked in my vehicle, can the Alma Police open my vehicle for me?
- Only under certain potential life threatening circumstances. In all other circumstances, we will provide you with a list of service providers.
Does your department do fingerprinting?
- No.
Do you teach concealed carry classes?
- No.
Do you give drivers license test?
- No, contact the Arkansas State Police.
Can you give me information from a license plate?
- No.
Can I discharge fireworks in the city?
Do you install or inspect child safety seats?
- No.
Will you do a background check?
- No, only for employment at this department.